Rules, Systems, and Processes...Is Franchising for You?

Rules, Systems, and Processes...Is Franchising for You?

franchise_my_wayOne of the early questions that we ask most franchise candidates is “Why do you want to own a franchise?” Most respondents indicate that at least in part it is because they know the franchise has a proven business model and systems that support that model. They understand that a franchise eliminates some of the risk factors of a do-it-yourself start-up.

Are You Well-Suited for Franchising?

To be successful running your own business, franchise or do-it-yourself start-up, it’s important to have an entrepreneurial drive, strategic vision, and the ability to execute and manage all facets of your business, etc. Any successful business owner has to make critical decisions on a daily basis.

There is always room for an owner to make their mark on their business. That being said, in a franchise concept, even one with as much flexibility as Great Harvest, there are a lot of rules, systems, and processes in place that must be followed. If you are a true Maverick and the enforcement of rules triggers frustration or leads you to constantly question or rebel against those rules or established infrastructure, franchising may not be right for you.

Rules Have Reasons

As soon as you begin to investigate a franchise concept, you will realize there are established processes and rules that must be followed. Some are dictated by the FTC, and some are requirements of the franchise itself. At a minimum, there are disclosures and waiting periods that must be adhered to. You will most likely be asked to submit an application, provide a detailed overview of your financials, have a credit check run, sign confidentiality and non-compete agreements, etc.

is_franchising_for_mavericksEach franchise will have a slightly different process, but there will, and should be, a process in place. The franchise staff will expect you to cooperate at each stage of the process. The franchise representatives should be available and open to answering questions and providing requested information. But, you should be aware that if you constantly push back on standard processes and guidelines, they may begin to question your fit for franchising.

Choose a Franchise You Believe In

A franchise is looking for potential business partners that want to be a part of their system. They believe in the business model they are selling, and if they have an attractive business to sell, they will have experienced past success with it. They should be open to and embrace new ideas and feedback, but they typically are not looking for a new franchisee to come in and reinvent the wheel.

Franchises invest significant resources in training, systems, and support teams intended to guide new franchisees to successfully execute on a proven and existing business model. A nimble franchise that understands the need for all businesses to grow and react to market trends over time will always be open to implementing new ideas generated within the franchise system, both from franchisees and franchise staff. Still, any reinvention of the core business model will generally take place at the franchise level.


Do a Self-Inventory

If you have determined that you want to start your own business and are considering a franchise, it is in your best interest to be honest with yourself and the franchise.

• Do you follow rules?
• Do you work well in structured systems?
• Do you like checklists and processes?
• Do you enjoy being part of a team?
• Do you respond well to coaching?

If you can honestly answer “yes” to these questions, franchising may be a great fit for you. However; if you are more of an independent free spirit who operates at your best when given total freedom to execute on your own vision, you may be better off considering a do-it-yourself start-up.

Is franchising for you? Learn more about Great Harvest:

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Read more about franchising with Great Harvest:

Image credits: Rubber ducks: ©tunedin123 / 123RF Stock Photo; Twins with coffee: © luismolinero / 123RF Stock Photo; Pay for expertise then ignore it: © zestmarina / 123RF Stock Photo (all modified by text overlay)

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