Balancing Two Jobs: Mom and Small Business Owner

Balancing Two Jobs: Mom and Small Business Owner

Is it possible to be a mom and a small business owner? Can these two labor intensive and emotionally draining jobs really co-exist in one person? We asked one of our most successful bakery owners to tell us about how she balances her job and her family. Enjoy!

Guest post by JoEllen Kunz, Great Harvest Taylorsville, UT bakery owner:

Owning a small business has been a wonderful lifestyle choice for me, but I would caution anyone to give it some serious thought. Owning your own business means work never truly ends. This can be hard on a family, but for the right person - it is a GREAT decision.

FlourPourWEBA Great Harvest bakery was a good choice for me because of the freedom, the food, and the people were the true draws of Great Harvest Bread Co. We wanted to own a business that we could create our own little world, but we wanted to do it with support. The art of taking a kernel of wheat and creating a loaf of whole wheat bread was a beautiful thought, and it tasted even better!

At different ages, owning a bakery has meant different things to our kids. When they were little it was just their version of "normal" - Mom and Dad worked at a bakery, and we get "FREE FOOD!" 


As the kids have grown, they have loved the "fame" of having their pictures on the wall. As teenagers, my kids thought it was simply embarrassing that their parents always had Great Harvest shirts on, and that they seemed to know everyone (personally I think they liked the notoriety, but when you're 16 you need to have something to complain about).


They do have issues at Christmas time, they wish they had parents before the holiday (our busiest season), but we always take a family trip in January to make up for the lack before December 25th. Overall, owning our own bakery has allowed us opportunities to be so much more involved in our children's lives than would have been possible in more traditional jobs. It has allowed me to have the appearance of a stay-at-home Mom - while still working full time. I am so very grateful!


As a Mom, some of my greatest life lessons have come from being a "Mom" to 12-18 employees at any given time. I've learned to let the idea of control go. Control is an illusion, so let it go! I've learned that the worth of a soul is much greater than the worth a bowl of dough. I've learned that nurturing others ideas - is so much more fulfilling the "˜forcing' my way. All these lessons have changed and shaped my parenting approach with my own children. The ability to give and share bread has allowed a simple way to teach one of life's most valuable lessons -- that of service and sharing.

My cute kids have learned that random acts of kindness can change the course of one's life. They have also learned that sharing a smile and a hello is as important, if not more so than sharing a loaf of bread. It's the generosity of spirit that makes the gift work. When I hire folks, I explain that there are a couple of Mom truths I want to share:

1st - In every situation there is something to learn, and something to share. So look for them.

2nd - Good Choices, Good Memories - So make them good - and lastly - If your goal is to truly celebrate and serve every person you interact with, you will become the person you desire to become.


Life is a journey, it's not a destination. Whatever space of the journey you are in, enjoy it. If you're a Mom of young kids - Don't wish the chaos and monotony of it away, get down on your knees and revel in the moments. If you are in a space of tweens or teens, encourage, love unconditionally, and lead by example not by force.

The traits that make a great business owner, are the same that make a great Mom: adaptability, spontaneity, ability to put a good spin on any situation, ability to nurture and coach, the ability to think of a new way to do the same old thing, and the ability to make any day an adventure.

So whether you are a Mom, a business owner, or both, remember: Take a deep breath and enjoy where you are, and don't be afraid to dream. And most importantly, take time for you, to restore your own personal balance. Find a friend and go for a walk, a run, a bike ride, a swim, a hike, etc. We cannot give if our own cup is empty. Self-nurturing is a gift to yourself and all those around you. Lead by love, - and that includes loving yourself. Accept your weakness, your inadequacies, and giggle a lot!

Want to read more about life as a small business owner? Download a free collection of bakery owner stories:

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