Bread Store Gratitude

Bread Store Gratitude

 I am honored to present a guest post by Sara Goodwin Brown. Sara and her husband, Ethan, opened their very own Great Harvest Bread Co. in Burlington, Vermont, during the summer of 2003. They moved across the country from Montana to New England to make their business ownership dream a reality.

Every year, in this season I teach my children to identify and name what they are grateful for, and I too seek to recognize and appreciate a few of the blessings among the abundance in my life.

In the coming weeks, as our bakery works through the Holidays, my heart will well up with gratitude for the people with whom Ethan and I share our work. They participate in the raising of our children, wiping little noses and teaching manners. They know the details of our lives, and they make the hours that I spend at work enjoyable.  This is a family business, but the family that runs it is much bigger than just me, Ethan, and the kids.

 boys in bakery

Our crew is made up of remarkable people who contribute their talents, humor, intelligence, and energy towards creating something that is bigger than the sum of its parts.  Much of what is special about our bakery is a result of the spirit that they each bring to work every day.  They show up early, work late, and give beyond what is asked.  Our bread is a product not only of their hands, but of their hearts as well.  Their love and laughter are among the ingredients.


We are proud to have them represent us, blessed by their presence in our lives, and humbly grateful to have them on our team.


Thanksgiving bread photo


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