Small Business Owners Need Real Vacations

Small Business Owners Need Real Vacations

We have all heard the phrase “staycation” over the last few years but I think “workation” is another growing trend.  Too many of us, me included, go on a vacation and don’t disconnect.  It is an increasingly easy thing to do (work on vacation) with all of the technology at our disposal. 

But this is often a mistake. The need to recharge is just as big as it has ever been and that just can’t be done if you spend even a few minutes checking email each day on vacation.  I normally use the excuse of I would rather spend a little time while on holiday to avoid having that crunch of 1000 emails to deal with when I come back.  But, this week, I decided to really disconnect.  The family and I went to the beach for the 4th of July holiday and the dogs and I stayed for the week. 

puppies at the beach March 2011 WEB resized 600

My biggest goal was to see how long these kites stay up.  So far, the answer is they were up when I got here on July 1 and they are up as I type this (July 3) and it looks like they will be there for a while….the constant of wind at the shore is comforting.


So, when this gets published, hopefully I will have been legitimately off line for a week and ready to go back at work. I'm excited to see what happens when I look at situations in my business with a fresh perspective. Or maybe I should take two weeks…

Hope you are all having a wonderful summer and please do remember how important it is to take care of yourself, mentally and physically.

Thanks for reading.

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