Great Harvest Offers Easter Treats!

Great Harvest Offers Easter Treats!

Perfect Additions for Your Easter Feast!

Honey Bunny Veggie DipIt’s about that time of year again when Great Harvest Honey Bunnies start “reproducing” in bakeries around the country. These make fun centerpieces for your table during Easter dinner. All you need to do is hollow out the back of the bunny and fill it up with your favorite veggie dip. Place your bunny on a decorative platter and surround with fresh carrots, celery, broccoli, snow peas, olives, grape tomatoes, etc. Your guests will love it!


Most likely you will also find Hot Cross Buns in your local Great Harvest as well. A hot cross bun is a sweet, spiced bun marked on top with a cross of frosting. Traditionally, the buns were eaten during Lent and Good Friday. These are delicious heated up in the oven and served for Easter breakfast along with some fresh fruit such as cantaloupe and strawberries. Hot Cross buns vary a little from bakery to bakery, but they are made from scratch and loaded with dried fruit. Some bakeries dip these buns in a decadent cinnamon glaze before icing them with a lemon butter frosting. Yum!


What is your favorite Easter food?