Farewell Post from Our Bakery Nutrition Specialist

Farewell Post from Our Bakery Nutrition Specialist

It is with mixed feelings that I write my final post. After three and a half great years as the Nutrition Specialist for Great Harvest I am turning in my computer and free bread coupons for an even more important career - full time motherhood. Thank you to all of those who have supported my decision.

As I look back over my time I only hope that I have convinced at least a few owners and customers that Great Harvest whole grains not only taste amazing but are good for you. It can be hard to switch from white fluffy stuff to whole wheat breads, but the health benefit is every bit worth it. With what else can you reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and have a slimmer waist line? And with Great Harvest whole grain breads you don’t have to sacrifice taste.

Now that I have started my own family and am making choices onGreat Harvest nutritionist family photo what to feed them, there is no question in my mind that wholesome whole grains are a part of our table.

Besides becoming addicted to Sunflower Whole Wheat bread, Great Harvest has made a lasting impression on me as a company that lives by their mission statement. Not only do our owners make phenomenal products but I go into bakeries and am always greeted with friendly hello’s. I have seen the “be loose and have fun” attitude in the bakeries, as well as the franchise office. But most importantly “giving generously to others” is not just a line on a mission statement.

Bakery owners: thank you for letting me get to know you. I wish you success! Great Harvest customers: thank you for supporting your fresh and healthy local bakery. And for my co-workers at the franchise office: thank you for letting me be part of the Great Harvest family. Who knows maybe I will be a bakery owner someday.

And Readers: I'm busy training my replacement, Melissa Seith, who will continue to post helpful nutrition information for you. What topics would you like her to cover? I know she'd appreciate some inspiration for her first few posts!