It's Wheat Harvest Time in Montana

It's Wheat Harvest Time in Montana

Although not every fruit, vegetable and grain is ready this month, August is a perfect time to celebrate the harvest.  If you have your own garden, you have enjoyed the fruits of your labor all summer long. Even the produce in the grocery store

Combine harvest photo and farmer’s markets are booming with freshness. We love fresh ingredients and this month we celebrate our key fresh ingredient -- wheat! 

Appropriately named the Golden Triangle, the high plains of Montana produce some of the world’s best bread baking wheat.  The cold winters rid the wheat of bugs and disease.  The hot, arid summers give the wheat extra protein. Each fall, we test scores of wheat lots to make sure our bakeries get only the wheat that bakes the best bread.  Our relationship with local farmers gives us the first pick of the harvest. 

After wheat has been picked it is shipped to each bGrain from harvest photoakery where it is milled fresh everyday!  The flour is used within 48 hours so it keeps all the nutrients found in the original grain.   That is the Great Harvest difference.

Have any of you watched the wheat harvest in Montana?