Fresh Ground, Fresh Taste, Great Nutrition

Fresh Ground, Fresh Taste, Great Nutrition

Any way you slice it, fresh bread just tastes better! At Great 

wheat field photoHarvest, we take freshness a step beyond ordinary.  Each day our bakers mill hundreds of pounds of Montana grown hard red wheat berries.  The whole wheat flour is then used within 48 hours to make bread and sweets for you.  We use fresh flour for a few reasons but taste is definitely number one.

Slice for slice and loaf for loaf, Great Harvest breads are just bigger.  The generous size and density is largely because of fresh ground flour.  Other bakeries use dough conditioners to boost loaf volume, but this leaves the bread tasting airy and not flavorful and hearty like whole grain bread should be.

Most vitamins and minerals are afraid of light, heat and air.  As soon as the grain kernel is broken or fresh vegetables are cut, vitamins and minerals start to leave.  As time goes on, more and more leave. Granted eating any form of whole grains, fruit and vegetables is better than not eating them at all, but fresh has the best nutrition.  By milling our own flour, you get superior nutrition to any other whole grain product. The fact that it taste better too, is a nice side benefit!

What is your favorite whole wheat product from Great Harvest?