Decadent Bread Dessert Recipe for Valentine's Day

Decadent Bread Dessert Recipe for Valentine's Day

Hi, I'm Misti Maisch.  I've been a part of the Great Harvest Bread Co. family since 1999.  I'm a field representative so when I'm not at my desk at the home office in Montana, I am somewhere in the U.S. visiting a bakery and evaluating their operations.  Needless to say, I eat a ton of Great Harvest bread, and I enjoy every bite!  I am a self-professed food critic and am happiest when I am in the kitchen creating something delicious for my family and friends. 

Speaking of cooking, Valentine's Day is on the horizon.  I think my husband and I are going to do a quiet and romantic dinner at home (yah right... with 3 kids!)  Anyway, I was thinking about a fun dessert that could be enjoyed by adChocolate brown bread photo by Great Harvestults and yet be kid friendly as well. 

Great Harvest makes this Brownie Batter Bread which is heaven for chocolate lovers.  Some bakeries even bake this recipe in a heart shaped baking mold. (Just call your local bakery and ask if it is on their menu for February.)  Dessert doesn't have to be complicated.  All you knead (ha ha) is a little creativity!

So this is what I plan to do...perhaps you will join me?

  • 1 Brownie Batter Bread from your local Great Harvest Bread Co.
  • 1 small container of fresh raspberries
  • Homemade chocolate ganache - the recipe follows:

Put a small sauce pan on the stove filled with water.  Bring to a boil.  Take a metal bowl and set it on top.  Add ½ cup of semi-sweet chocolate chips.  Use a spatula to stir the chocolate chips until they are completely melted.  Once they are melted, add 1/3 cup of heavy whipping cream.  Stir until the cream is completely incorporated, and it looks smooth.  Carefully, take the metal bowl off the saucepan (it will be hot!).  Using your spatula, mix in about 1 tsp of real vanilla (you know, the good stuff.)

Pour your fabulous chocolate sauce over your Brownie Batter Bread.  Add the desired amount of fresh raspberries to the top for garnish.  If you really want to impress your family, add a sprig of fresh mint as well.

Piece of cake!   

Happy Baking~
