Whole Grains Are An Important Part Of A Healthy Diet

Whole Grains Are An Important Part Of A Healthy Diet

Thousands of people each year make a New Year's Resolution and year after year, statistics show the number one resolution is to lose weight.  It is not a surprise after a month long celebration of food, friends and growing waist lines. It is also fitting that this month is National Diet Month and I can't think of a better concept to focus on in January than diets. Losing weight is complicated but let me give you a few tips to help you be among the few who keep their resolutions.

Great Harvest CEO Mike Ferretti cycling at Taho

To myself and many other dietitians, diet is a four-letter word. Diets don't work for the long term; the weight goes off and then comes back on. Instead of picking a trendy diet this year, try to make lifestyle changes that will continue to give you results.

Exercise and eating healthy go hand-in-hand, especially when shedding pounds. Start small and work up to the recommend 60-90 minutes most days of the week to lose weight.  Make sure you are eating all the recommended servings of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.  Multiple studies have shown that eating 3 ounces of whole grains each day cuts belly fat and helps you weigh less! It also helps you maintain weight after those pounds are shed. Check out the hearty whole grain breads at your local Great Harvest that will help keep you full and looking great.


Do you have an exercise tip or a favority healthy meal idea to share?