Hi, I'm Brittny Bird, the dietitian for Great Harvest. I am excited to bring you news and information about healthy whole grains. I like eating healthy but I am a firm believer that food has to taste good. I don't think there is a better way to eat nutritious whole grains than a slice of any of our whole grain breads.
With the new year under way, many people have been making (and breaking) New Year's resolutions. Amongst failed goals, everyone needs something that they can stick to. Here are the top 10 reasons why you should be eating 3 ounces of whole grains every day.
1. Eating food fresh always tastes better and is better for you. Fresh ground whole wheat flour is no different.
2. Whole grains are packed full of essential vitamins and minerals including iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, folic acid and many B-vitamins.
3. The fiber in whole grains is increasingly being found to have many important health benefits including improving management of weight, heart disease and diabetes.
4. Wheat and oats equal broccoli and spinach in antioxidant activity!
5. People who eat more whole grains usually weigh less and have lower amounts of abdominal fat.
6. Carbohydrates are the only source of energy for your red blood cells and the main source of energyfor the brain, central nervous system and baby during pregnancy.
7. White flour is missing 17 key nutrients and 25% of the protein found in whole grains.
8. Kids who eat more whole grains reduce their risk of obesity, diabetes, asthma and may have less acne.
9. People who eat more whole grains have a reduced risk of heart disease, strokes and certain cancers and are less likely to get diabetes.
10. Making half your grains whole each day is as simple as eating a sandwich made on Honey Whole Wheat or a bowl of Cranberry Almond Oatmeal and slice of High 5 Fiber for breakfast.
What are your reasons for eating healthy in 2010?